Release Date: Monday February 5, 2024.SUPPORT DURHAM REGION RESCUE ANIMALS
Gently used towels and blankets required.
During the month of February Whisker Warrior is requesting your support to collect and donate new or gently used clean towels and blankets for rescue animals (dogs, cats, and wildlife) in desperate need. Whisker Warrior is the intermediate between all the rescue centers and volunteers in Durham Region.What’s required: Blankets that are not knitted because their paws/claws/nails can get caught in knitted fabric; also, gently used towels to distribute to keep animals clean and warm this winter. After pets were given out as Christmas gifts, we have found a large number of abandoned dogs and cats left outside hungry and injured in desperate need of blankets and towels to be given out to volunteers for emergency uses. Uses: Blankets – There are so many homeless animals in need during this cold winter and we would appreciate your help while you declutter your homes. Rescue centers across Durham Region require blankets and towels because they go through them so quickly and Whisker Warriors will clean, package and distribute your donations for the following uses:
- Bedding for the animals for multiuse: blankets for warming, cages and pens to sleep on off the ground, wrapping injured animals after accidents or hit by cars, or bleeding injured missing pets found outside.
- Towels are used for multiuse: warming, cleaning, wrapping animals, after washing, wipe downs, for extra comfort in pens. Also rescues hit by cars of found injured require fresh towels for emergency situations.
- Also, sometimes we take sheets, but not fitted sheets so their claws and nails don’t get caught.
- Dog out for the day programs require towels for cleaning paws.
- Foster animals awaiting forever homes while being transported.
Please feel free to ask your neighbors and friends to contribute to this worthy project. Maid Mart cleaning services has offered to clean, bundle and distribute your donations. We will be working with all the rescue centers and humane societies across Durham Region to distribute as emergencies arise for different uses. Call or email Beverley directly for donation pick-ups. Thanks in advance for saving a little one and contributing to this worthy project.
Towels and blanket donations needed for rescue centres across Durham | Durham Radio News